Gamification: from theory to practice in Digital Transformation with Google
The term gamification is gaining prominence thanks to the possibilities offered by new technologies. Defined simply, gamification is simply the application of game mechanics to environments outside games.

Applied to a company, it consists of transferring characteristic elements of games to corporate processes, creating a new environment of cooperation, for example:
- Rankings based on a scoring system.
- Awards and gifts for the achievement of objectives.
- Acquisition of status, compliance with rules etc.
In particular, the rise of gamification has been produced by supposing an extremely reliable method for the management of Digital Transformation. Why? Simply, because it allows defining objectives (such as encouraging collaboration between teams); motivating its achievement or managing change (creating an incentive environment); and measuring the results (defining metrics).
Like digital transformation, it is currently applied in all sectors and functional business areas. And how do we know if we can benefit from the advantages of gamification? Maybe you’ve raised some of these issues:
- Can I optimise the use of corporate email? Do we spend too much time reading/answering non-essential emails?
- How much do internal meetings cost the company? Can I carry them out more efficiently? Can I encourage the commercial team to hold meetings with clients?
- Can I measure the ROI of the digital transformation of the workplace? And the degree of collaboration between teams?
- Are there ways to optimise processes or manage a cultural change by providing a dynamic experience for employees?
- Can we strengthen the talent’s loyalty?
If you can relate to this… gamification may be the solution!
Intelligence Partner proposes an agile methodology to implement these solutions starting with a specific area and group, defining the metrics and analysing the results to draw conclusions. Gamification, being a methodology and not a closed solution, can and should adapt to the current needs of the company, and evolve according to the evolution of the company.
Game on!