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Digital Transformation with G Suite

Transformation workshop

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Digital transformation workshop

Intelligence Partner provides a digital transformation workshop on Google Workspace where we shall work together to improve the way in which employees operate in the various departments of the organisation.

During the workshop, participants will identify current business processes to be improved by Google Workspace. Once identified, we can study, assess, and generate prototypes for those processes that have the greatest impact on the organisation and that are also the easiest to implement (quick wins).

The Transformation Laboratory is divided into the following sections:

  • Inspire: Through real-life success stories we shall explain how other organisations have implemented Google solutions for their business processes, transforming the way they work.
  • Discover: Participants detect and review the business processes and workflows that can be improved. Then, they analyse the feasibility of using Google tools to improve the process.
  • Create prototypes: Having identified the processes to that can be improved, we shall create working groups to prepare prototypes of each one of them.
  • Iterate: At the end of the session, each team presents their solution, and we decide together what the roadmap will be with a view to implementing the process with the assistance of G Suite.

Duration of the Digital Transformation Workshop: 1 day.